Women’s Ministry Sunday

We encourage you to stop by #MOHMC , Tomorrow is our Women’s Ministry Sunday , All the way from St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church is the First Lady Angela Brown so tune and hear what God has for you . Below is the number and pin to get in , make sure listen in . The Word say , he who has a ear let him hear what God is Speaking Thur this Mighty Woman Of God .
Below is the information you need to get in . Don’t miss out

MOHMC Call-in Number:

PIN: 729-6270

11:00 AM worship service .

Our special guest for this second Sunday of July will be no other than Saint Paul’s on First Lady Angela Brown

First Lady Angela Brown

First Lady Angela Rena Brown was born to Charles and Helen Johnson in Milwaukee, WI and is the youngest of six children. First Lady Angela has been happily married to Pastor Craig L. Brown, Senior Pastor of St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church in Portland, OR . They have one daughter, Ajai Shadae and a grandson, Ashton Lamar. 

Elder Angela was called into the ministry December 1999 as an Aspiring Missionary at Abundant Life Church of God in Christ in Kitzingen, Germany, under the leadership of Elder Timothy Jones. 

Elder Angela accepted her call into the ministry June 2004 as a preacher/teacher under the spiritual headship of Senior Pastor Bishop Anthony R. Obey at New Life Baptist Church in Lacey, WA, and was ordained June 2006. 

Elder Angela endeavors to glorify God in all that she does by effectively sharing the Word of God to unbelievers and believers. She’s passionate about women coming together as a unified body of believers and is dedicated to establishing strong healthy relationships between couples, women and most importantly God. She desires that all people be empowered, so they can be used in their homes, community and their church. 

Currently Elder Angela is the Director of Spiritual Growth and Wellness where she oversees the Brotherhood, Women’s Ministry, Youth/Children (ARMY) Ministry, CREW (Young Adults), Sunday School, Vacation Bible School and Christian Education. Although, she has obligations to the ministry teams she is dedicated to serving and supporting her husband as he receives guidance and direction from the Lord to lead St. Paul MBC.  

Verse Of Hope For Today

The heart is more deceitful than anything else, and incurable—who can understand it? I, the Lord, examine the mind, I test the heart to give to each according to his way, according to what his actions deserve.
Jeremiah 17:9-10 CSB #MOHMC

Verse Of Hope For Today

[ Many Gifts but One Body ] For by the grace given to me, I tell everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he should think. Instead, think sensibly, as God has distributed a measure of faith to each one.
Romans 12:3 CSB #MOHMC